How To Transform Your Teenagers’ Career Prospects

‘INSPiRED Teenager’ – from the UK’s Top Careers Advisor – Offers an Online Toolkit For Savvy Parents To Max Their Teenagers’ Prospects
A new online resource will enable parents to transform their own teenagers’ academic and vocational career prospects. The ‘INSPiRED Teenager’ programme is an eight-part video-based career coaching toolkit complete with a set of accompanying eBooks. Developed by Carolyn Parry, the CDI’s Career Coach of the Year, the self-paced kit equips parents with all the resources they need.

INSPiRED Teenager
Aimed at supporting GCSE and A-level students, the first-of-its-kind toolkit ensures that high-quality affordable careers coaching is now well within the reach of every family. Designed for adults and teenager to work through together, ‘INSPiRED Teenager’ empowers parents and carers to be confident that they have done the best they can to set their teen on the path to a successful, happy and fulfilling working life.
Not all careers rely on academic study and from guiding their teen in the right vocational direction through to helping them understand future job markets, the toolkit aims to be supportive yet challenging. It will help to identify what employers look for most and explain work experience options. There are also handy job search tips and insights on how to succeed with applications and interviews. Beyond these early stages, ‘INSPiRED Teenager’ also defines useful strategies that motivate teenagers and provides career development advice for when they start work. Once learned, the toolkit can be applied any time in the future to help deal with unexpected job and career changes and developments.
The INSPiRED Teenager is also ideal for students focused on going to university, where in a fast changing world, making the right course choice is now harder than ever. With around half a million teens making their university choices over the coming months and taking on debts estimated to be over £50k, stats from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) show that in 2014, 6.2% drop out in the first year and 10.3% leave without qualifications, with anxiety stress and depression being cited as one of the major causes. With headline news flagging that some courses have a drop-out rate over 60%, this leaves many of the 50,000 students with significant debt, but without a degree and that doesn’t help their career. With ‘INSPiRED Teenager’, parents and carers can work confidently and accurately with teens to analyse the course options against a future work / career backdrop and also identify the key metrics of better performing, better value courses.
Delivered in self-paced video format through the ‘Careers Advice For Parents’ website, parents and teens can watch whenever it suits them and each module also comes with a comprehensive e-book to download which has been designed for all learning styles. The eight modules are:
Identity – Teenagers learn what makes them the person they are, including exploring their personality, character and potential future self.
Needs & Wants – In this module, teens identify the kind of life they want along with their motivations, career needs and drivers.
Strengths & Talents – Teens identify their gifts and abilities, learning the difference between learned skills and natural strengths, why this matters and which to develop.
Passion & Interests – Teenagers identify and define their passions and strongest interests, exploring the importance of curiosity, role models and how to develop personal interests further.
Impact & Contribution – Teens discover how to join-the-dots for a central career theme, building an impactful image with enduring stability and resilience in rapidly changing times.
Relationships – Teens will identify the connections and tribes that they want to learn and work with – and which types to avoid!
Environment – Teenagers will choose the geographic location, physical working environments and working patterns they need to thrive, so they can make informed choices.
Direction & Goal Setting – Teens will learn how to set meaningful, effective goals that drive sound career decision making.
Says Carolyn Parry, “In terms of state provision, the picture across the UK is extremely patchy. As few as just 17% of 14-19-year-olds receive high-quality schools careers advice, so it’s little wonder that over 70 percent of teenagers turn to their parents for help. However, for over half of parents and carers, the thought of this fills them with dread. Today’s world of work and the gig economy is very different from that which most parents and carers started out in. This leads to numerous intergenerational hurdles between baby boomer or millennial parents and the Generation Z kids they are trying to help. Well, now with ‘INSPiRED Teenager’ they can stay calm as first-class help is on hand and the two generations can work seamlessly together. Without needing to become an expert, parents and carers now have an affordable and structured route for delivering high quality support.
“By combining 15 years of first hand experience working with students, graduates, and professionals with the latest employment related theory, this toolkit delivers a unique and easy-to-use academic and vocational career development framework. By this means, both parents and teens gain the key concepts, skills and questions they need to discover who they are and what academic or career moves will get them off to the happiest start in life. In short, both parents and teenagers can now become career savvy! And why shouldn’t they? Who wouldn’t want to help their child get ahead?”
The “INSPiRED Teenager” programme is currently available at a launch discount. With a rrp of £97, customers registering before 1 Jan 2018 can access the full course for just £47, a saving of £50. For those wanting more information, please visit
About Carolyn Parry
An award-winning ‘all-age’ career coach practitioner and UK Careers Adviser/Career Coach of the Year 2017, Carolyn runs Career Alchemy and A Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, of the Higher Education Academy, and the International Enterprise Educators’ Programme, she is a Trustee/Non-Executive Director of NASES, a national trainer for AGCAS, and represents the interests of the Career Development Institute in Wales.
About The INSPiRED Programme
Carolyn is behind the design of the INSPiRED Programme, an ‘all-age’ career development coaching toolkit designed to promote self-understanding and enable users to develop successful, fulfilling and happy working lives no matter what changes take place in the world of work now and in the future. Already in use with adult career changers and in a university context, it is now available as a tailor made self-service toolkit for parents and carers to use with their teenagers.
For further information, please contact
Carolyn Parry
Director and Lead Coach
Careers Advice For Parents
07899 075853
Leigh Richards
The Right Image
07758 372527